Hi! Thank you for taking a few moments to learn more about Micromajor, a small business devoted to web technology. Currently, Micromajor is a sole-proprietorship with a single operator. That affords several advantages to our clientele, like individualized attention and fast response time.

For simplicity our recent service offering bundles a multiplicity of skills into an affordable quarterly rate.

Background and Experience

Server Architecture – Spinning up servers looks effortless, owing to all that behind-the-scenes work that goes into maintaining and keeping up with advances in server technology. No reason to go at it alone, team up with someone who already learned from countless experiences. Most of today’s modern web applications run from virtual private servers in the cloud, which enables fast speeds. That doesn’t mean you can’t host a website on your own computer at home. You can, and we call that a local environment. The server architecture applications are teeming with activity and innovation. Micromajor can provide you with hands-on experience from over a decade of professional service, deploying and managing server instances.

Fine-Art Painting and Sculpture – A wealth of experience crafting and painting directly translates into care-taken in any endeavor. And while most business-class sites demand a certain artistic conservatism, the underlying skill readily applies to all aspects of tech-craft and engineering. The potential for creative vision to influence your project can manifest in surprising ways and is something that sets Micromajor apart from the competition. Rarely can one find, such a unique, cross-discipline array of talents in a single individual. Additionally, you can look forward to conceptual art services at Micromajor to enhance your creative vision.

Web Crafting – Micromajor continues to provide top-notch service for all web-related tasks, since 2011. Web site deployment and maintenance are foundational to many new exploratory services, like CAD services for 3d-printing. We favor open source solutions where applicable and enjoy DIY do-it-yourself projects. All manner of tinkering is fair game at Micromajor and we hope you’ll share our enjoyment and curiosity in the world of tech.

Special Projects – A couple of special projects are worth mentioning. Artistic and technical expertise meshes well in game development and user interface design. We’ve had our hands in both and would certainly like to showcase those efforts. There are bounds to what Micromajor can skillfully implement programmatically, but we’d like you to feel encouraged that we constantly test the envelope with exciting new areas of interest.